Han Solo. I’m the captain of the Millennium Falcon.
You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?
It’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.
What? Parsecs is a unit of distance? Damn. Always thought it was time.
Maybe the Millennium Falcon isn’t as fast as I thought.
How far is a parsec?
Three and a quarter light-years? Isn’t light-year a unit of time?
Distance? Really? Crap.
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Thanks M. Jean. Wish I’d known about Farsangs when I wrote this, back before Covid.
P/Farsang Persian unit for travelling….
The distance a camel can travel in one day…..
“How far is it to Ghazvin?” *
“Chand Farsang.”
* [From whence the 3 Wise Men….]
Say Allen, what’re your snail mail coordinates?