When a newly constructed telescope is completed and finally put into use, this initial observation session of the night sky is called “first light.”
I set up this blog in the hope that it can become a telescope to my readers (a bi-directional one), on whatever topics or writings may seem interesting to them or to myself.
This post is AC Blog‘s first light.
I welcome all comments on Cave Paintings (collected poems) and The Rules (a novel), or on any subject I might be able to shed light on. My interests are rather wide…
These comments are pointless.
Yes, self, these are typical First Light comments.
So the admin made a comment on his own post. Big deal. But this comment is from Allen, the author himself, not the administrator. Just a plain old subscriber. And yet still, it’s not enough of a comment to count.
OK, I’m commenting on my own post. But it’s not enough of a comment to count, so I haven’t violated any of the rules of blogging.